Pet Dental Care in La Crosse, WI
Did you know that you can add two to four years to your pet's life with proper dental care?
Dental hygiene is an important part of your pet’s health and can often be the cause of serious illness. If left untreated, dental problems can lead to larger systemic issues in your pet due to oral bacteria entering the blood stream and damaging the kidneys, heart and liver.
However, dental disease is often overlooked by many pet owners. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats develop tooth and gum disease by the age of three years.
Dental disease and its serious consequences can be avoided by bringing your pet to your veterinarian for regular dental check-ups and teeth cleanings. This is why Hillside Animal Hospital in La Crosse, WI offers full dental cleanings as well as a range of dental procedures.
We also are able to perform dental radiographs. These images provide a view below your pet’s gum line and jaw in order to look for evidence of dental disease that cannot be seen by visual examination alone. This is a wonderful tool for enabling the treatment of dental issues before they become much larger and more expensive medical issues.
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Home Dental Care
Dental care does not end with a visit to your veterinarian. You need to continue your veterinarian’s good work at home by brushing your pet’s teeth as part of a home dental care regimen. Any member of our staff can show you the proper method of brushing your pet’s teeth as well as help you select the most effective dental products for your pet.
It is also important for you to recognize the signs and symptoms of dental problems, which include:
- Bad breath – one of the first signs of dental disease
- A yellowish-brown crust of plaque on the teeth near the gum line
- Red and swollen gums
- Pain or bleeding when your pet eats or when the mouth or gums are touched
- Decreased appetite or difficulty eating
- Loose or missing teeth